We're a GOOD school - it's official!
As you will be aware, on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th September, our school was subject to a full two-day Section 5 Ofsted Inspection.
This inspection was held under the new Ofsted Inspection Framework. When an Inspection Framework is changed, there naturally comes a shift in national expectations for schools to be judged against. I can report that this inspection was rigorous in gathering evidence for each of the areas inspected.
Following formal notification from His Majesty’s Lead Inspector, I am now able to share the report and the outcome of the inspection with you all.
We are delighted and immensely proud to inform you that the overall judgement finds that St John’s CE Primary School has moved from Requires Improvement to GOOD in all areas:
• Overall effectiveness. Good
• The quality of education. Good
• Behaviour and attitudes. Good
• Personal development. Good
• Leadership and management. Good
• Early years provision. Good
We are having a celebration with the children today! We are so proud of our school community!