Equality issues remain a priority at St John’s CE Primary School. Robust monitoring and tracking systems are in place. Any issues affecting groups of children are identified through pupil progress meetings, analysis of attainment levels, progress made at school; year and class level, IPP review meetings and analysis of the behaviour incident records.
'Pupils ... learn about understanding and respecting people who are different to themselves.' Ofsted Sept 2022
Steps needed to address any issues are taken swiftly and thoroughly. Evidence of this can be found in our Governors, leadership, staff and team meeting minutes, equality policy, behaviour policy, SEN policy and other policies held by the school.
All staff and Governors strive to provide equal opportunities for all, regardless of any difference, making extra provision to enable all to achieve their best in all areas of school life.
'Pupils from a wide range of cultural heritages enjoy attending this friendly
and welcoming school.' Ofsted Sept 2022
Equality Objective
In order to comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the specific duties for schools, we are required to publish our equality objective which is outlined below:
Objective; To narrow the gap in the performance of children with Special Educational Needs and those without, in reading and writing.
We will measure this by the percentage of children with/without SEN who achieve 'expected standard' in Reading and Writing at the end of Year 6. (Agreed September 2020. Review July 2021)
Annual report on how the school complies with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)