New EYFS Parents Welcome Page
Welcome to St John’s!
We know you are going to love it here!
‘Right from when pupils start in the early years, warm relationships with staff are nurtured. The youngest children are made to feel secure and confident in their new surroundings. Pupils feel safe and cared for and know that if they need to talk to someone about their worries, there is always a trusted adult to help. One pupil told inspectors, ‘This feels like your second home, teachers take time to listen and to help us, however long this takes.’
For children and parents that join our St John's family, we have created this dedicated page to give you a warm and informative welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Our EYFS is made up of two FS1 Nursery classes (Red Squirrels and Grey Squirrels) and two FS2 Reception classes (Badgers and Hedgehogs).
We offer all children that join our school the opportunity to visit their new classes beforehand to help transition and settle them into our school. Each September, new children are offered a variety of staggered visits to allow them have the most confident and settled start to their time in EYFS.
On this page you will find:
Presentation welcoming Nursery children to the Nursery Classes (Squirrels)
Welcome presentation from Ms Parsons (Headteacher) for those joining Reception Classes (Badgers and Hedgehogs)
Presentation to walk you through the Badger and Hedgehog classrooms and what the school day might be like
Foundation Stage social story to share with your children
Frequently Asked Questions section
As well as this (and our Ofsted report) please do read our SIAMs report - this was an external inspection which pointed to the fabulous developments in place and ongoing. I can assure you that this trajectory has continued and St John's is a very special place to be. We can't wait to welcome you all to our school family.
'Pupils’ wellbeing and mental health are a high priority and pupils know how much they matter to all adults. They feel safe and say there is no bullying or discrimination. The community is made up of families of several faiths and cultures. This diversity is widely celebrated through international events and festivals'
‘The school is diverse and inclusive, and everyone in the community shows profound respect for one another.’
SIAMS Inspection March 2019