Uniform at St John's
Our school uniform reflects our values and reinforces our school’s culture of high expectations and academic rigour. It is expected that all pupils dress in appropriate school uniform and that they are well presented and smart at all times in school. This leads to a sense of pride and belonging.
Uniform is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school family and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of life.
We have recently changed our uniform provider, please see below.
We will still have some limited stock at school for a short period of time. Please contact the school office.
If you have any barriers to purchasing school uniform please do let the school office know. Anything you share will be treated sensitively. We also send any uniform donated to us to the, 'First Days' Charity. There is a link below where you can request good quality school uniform.
Navy or grey pinafore dress/skirt or grey regulation trousers (smart, straight leg with pockets)
White polo shirt (with or without logo) or shirt
Navy school sweatshirt OR Navy ‘V’ necked jumper/cardigan (with or without logo)
Navy tights or socks/white socks
Grey or navy leggings may be worn underneath skirts or dresses for religious purposes
Black sturdy school shoes (boots and trainers are not permitted)
Blue checked dress or grey shorts
Navy school sweatshirt OR Navy ‘V’ necked jumper/cardigan (with or without logo)
White or grey socks
Black sturdy school shoes (boots and trainers are not permitted)
Navy sweatshirts and white polo shirts with or without logos may be worn
Plain Navy or Black shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings (No large logos please)
Plain White polo shirt / T-shirt
Plimsolls, or preferably trainers for outside lessons
REMINDER! No jewellery except stud earrings and watches. No nail varnish. All jewellery and watches must be removed for P.E./Games. No 'smart' watches are allowed at school. Long hair must be tied back for health and safety reasons. Please also check childrens nail length regularly. Short nails support general safety around school.