British Values
British Values Statement - our Intent Wonder
St John’s CE Primary School is committed to serving its community and surrounding areas. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting these values. We believe it is important for our children to develop a strong set of values and principles, and that they question and understand what it means to grow up in British Society. We value the voice of the child and promote democratic processes such as our school council and House Captain system. Ideas and events are planned and discussed with a chance for debate and put forward points of view; such as the whole school voting for our chosen Lent charity.
Throughout their time at St John’s our children are given opportunities to develop independence and take responsibility for their behaviour, making very positive contributions to our local community and country. Due to our rich cultural diversity, respect, empathy, hope, trust and wonder are fundamental core values, evident in the daily life of our school. Our approach leads to our children’s life experiences being enriched and developed, preparing them to be outstanding citizens in modern Britain
This statement outlines the key British values we actively promote. We also work with the JIGSAW RESOURCE who weave British Values through the taught PSHME curriculum effectively.
- Children are involved in democratic processes e.g. voting for school councillors, house captains and shared rewards
- The school councils/house captains are led by a member of staff who adheres to the democratic processes
- We have links with the local PCSOs who visit the school and offer links to local business and advice and who can support us with educating our children about upholding British law and the prosecution service
Individual Liberty
- Children have key roles and responsibilities in school, such as: librarians and digital leaders
- Within school, children are actively encouraged to make well thought out choices, knowing that they are in a safe, supportive and environment and in turn contribute to this by following the agreed rules and codes of conduct
- As a school we educate and provide boundaries for children so that they can make choices safely
- Through our extra- curricular clubs and opportunities, children are given the freedom to make choices
- The aims and ethos statements are embodied in all that we do in school
Mutual Respect
- Our PSHE and British Values curriculum embodies values of mutual respect through carefully planned units of learning
- Respect is embedded within our Behaviour Policy and is one of our core values
- We discuss what it means to be British enabling children to engage critically with stereotypes and prejudices and develop an understanding of how we can celebrate our heritage and home cultures whilst also embracing the ties that bind us together
‘..Diversity is widely celebrated through international events and festivals. Pupils say how important it is that they learn about one another’s beliefs and cultures so that they respect everyone equally. This dignity is extended towards all families including those of all faiths and cultures, and those with no faith. Families of faiths other than Christianity say they feel valued and completely involved in the school, and many have chosen to send their children here because they see the Christian values as ones they would like their children to live by. Parents are well informed about everything which is happening and speak very highly of the school and its leaders..’. (SIAMS Inspection, March 2019)
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Our R.E. curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures whilst retaining our strong Church school status through our strong and embedded Christian narrative.
‘..I came that they may have life and have it abundantly..’ John 10.10b
- We have a high proportion of E.A.L children and actively use school resources to promote their learning and integration into our school society
- We have staff with historical and more recent links to a range of countries and visitors from a range of faiths who share their language and culture with our pupil
‘..Pupils speak with confidence about different faiths and cultures. They have a keen sense of equalities and have regular opportunities to learn about British values. Consequently, pupils develop self-confidence, a sense of community and are well prepared for life in diverse modern Britain..’.
(Ofsted Inspection, Dec 2018)
The Rule of Law
- We have links with the local police through the PCSOs
- We have a clearly structured behaviour policy which all stakeholders understand and follow
- We regularly review behaviour incidents in school and share these with key stakeholders
- Assemblies/Worship times are delivered with a focus on all aspects of the law and safety, again, within the context of our strong Christian narrative.
‘..Leaders promote an awareness of the wider world beyond school and encourage pupils to engage in a range of community activities, such as charity fundraising or presenting their work to the mayor. This, combined with a well-planned religious education programme, promotes good spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. As a result, pupils can confidently discuss different faiths and cultures and they appreciate and value diversity and equality....’ (Ofsted Inspection, Dec 2018)