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OFSTED and SIAMS Reports

OFSTED VISIT  September 2022 

Inspection Date;  Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th September

We are delighted and immensely proud to inform you that the overall judgement finds that St John’s CE Primary School has moved from Requires Improvement to GOOD in all areas. 


There were many highlights during the two days where it was clear that the inspectors recognised the passion, focus and diligent work that has been ongoing since the previous inspection.


Some of the highlights we are particularly proud of state that our school

‘…is an inclusive school where leaders aspire for all pupils to enjoy learning and achieve their best....’ 

and that

‘… Right from when pupils start in the early years, warm relationships with staff are nurtured ...’


‘… Where pupils with SEND need extra support, this is planned and targeted to promote success…’ 

We are also pleased that the inspectors noted,

‘… Behaviour around the school is calm, and pupils know that unkindness towards each other is not tolerated...’

and that

… kindness and respect … is deep-rooted in the interactions between pupils, staff and visitors…’

The report gives strong praise to our reading curriculum, affirming that

‘... Adults are experts in helping pupils learn to read.….’

Safeguarding was also found to be effective, noting

‘... Leaders know pupils and their families well, and act with empathy and sensitivity for the pupils that they help ... (and) are swift to take action when needed…’


As with any review and reporting process, it is important to gain some direction regarding next steps, and I am pleased to report that those steps identified by Ofsted were in line with our development planning for the coming year and beyond.  These include developing our Governing Body further, developing our assessment systems for foundation subjects and ensuring that the tasks children complete are consistently filling any gaps in learning they may have.  We were reassured that Ofsted state in the report that ‘...plans to continue this work are well thought through...’ and we will continue to give these areas first focus.


Ofsted is one aspect of how we measure our success, however, our truest measure remains our children.  The children remain at the heart of all that we do, and we are pleased the report recognises how important they are to us – all of them. Our children were wonderful ambassadors for our school during the inspection and we are incredibly proud of them. They continue to be our greatest asset and to know that this quotation about school came from one of them ‘...This feels like your second home...probably meant the most to all of us.


We hope you enjoy reading the full report which can be found below. 




 SIAMS VISIT March 2019     

SIAMS   (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)

All Church of England dioceses and the Methodist Church use the Church of England Education Office's framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005.  The SIAMS Evaluation Schedule sets out the expectations for the conduct of the Statutory Inspection of Anglican, Methodist and ecumenical Schools under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. St John's was visited by the SIAMS inspection team during March of 2019 and the report can be found below.  You will read a very successful report, of which we are very proud knowing that it is indicative of our rapid school improvement and development. Once again, our children were wonderful representatives of the inclusive and aspirational nature of our setting.

SIAMS Report March 2019

Please find information from the Government, below, which may be of interest. 

Trust Link

St John's CE Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
