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St John's CE Primary School


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COMPUTING and our IT Acceptable Use Agreements

    COMPUTING at St John's       

Our Intent for Computing     Wonder 

The Purpose; getting ready for the future: Pupils will experience the world around them through an ever-changing online, interactive platform. Through exploration, experience and evaluation the children will be equipped with a range of computing skills essential for today’s modern society. The core of computing is computer science. Pupils will explore the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to apply this knowledge through programming. Children will discover the history of technology and how it has improved through technological advancements in science mathematics and design and technology; providing them with insights into both natural and artificial systems. Computing ensures that children are digital literate- able to use and express themselves through information, communication and technology.
Developing Independence; a love of learning, meaningful relationships with subject and others: Pupils will develop an understanding of the relationship between computing and oth
er core subjects.

We use a programme at school called Purple Mash and this is one of the ways of Computing learning is delivered.  Cross curricular links are made with all subjects, as children use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve information about the world. These experiences will allow the pupils to build on their prior knowledge, applying it to new and creative environments.



To support our Computing and (where applicable) our Remote/Home learning offer parents are requested to read the appropriate IT agreement and to sign their agreement to it when their children start at our school.


The document is an extract from our Online Safety Policy.


More information on Remote/Home Learning is on the link below.

Journey Through Our Computing Curriculum

Policies can be found on our Policy Page 

Policies | St John's CE Primary School (

Trust Link

St John's CE Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
