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St John's CE Primary School


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Enrichment Clubs

Enrichment Clubs at St John's 

It is our aim that every child will be in receipt of a free 6 week club experience by the end of the academic year. 


Please be reassured that our children are also in receipt of additional sports coaching as part of their lunchtime sessions.


Any ideas or requests for enrichment opportunities are always welcome. Please feel free to email any suggestion into school via the admin address.  Thank you. 



Breakfast Club and After School Club provision is fully open to all families.  Sports coaches are coaching children during the lunchtime sessions, on rotation through year groups.  Pastoral clubs also run throughout the day – Butterfly Club.


  • Gymnastics – years 2-3 - Monday before school – USPORT - (costs met by school)
  • Football Club – Years 4 – 6 - Friday after school - Reading Football Club - (costs met by parents)
  • Little Musketeers (Fencing) – Tuesday before school - Yr 2-6 (costs met by parents)
  • Multi-skills – Thursday after school – Usports - Year 5-6 (costs met by school) 
  • Football Club - Years 5-6 - Thursday after school – school run (AK)
  • Choir – yr 1-2 & yr 3-6 Wednesday lunchtime (costs met by school)
  • Cello Group lessons yr 1-2 & yr 3-5 (costs met by parents)
  • Bilingua Sing French Club Yr 1-2 & Yr 3-6 Tuesday lunchtime (costs met by parents)
  • Dance club - Year 3-4 - pupil run by years 5&6
  • Computing Club – lunchtimes beginning with Y3 (MK) – school run
  • Construction Club – Monday after school - Reception – school run (SS)



School has previously offered additional outside sporting agency clubs and our staff team offers a number of enrichment opportunities for the children outside of the classroom and the school day.


The clubs we have previously had on offer tend to vary from term to term and over the past years have included: Badminton; Karate; Survival Skills; Mindfulness; Chess; Weaving; Art; Story-Boxing; Story telling; Construction; Film Critique; Football; Cricket; and Tennis.


Many of our staff have expertise in a range of  areas and are committed to bringing a wide range of opportunities to our children.


Some children have  suggested some of the clubs themselves and we do endeavour to accommodate requests such as these wherever possible.


In addition to clubs run by our own staff we have a number of coaches that come in to run sessions in association with their own companies. Over the past few years these have been run by USports, Reading Rockets, Nick Adley Tennis, Reading Football Club and Shotokan Karate as well as Natural Wildness who have run Survival Clubs in addition to supporting the provision of Forest School- style sessions in school!


We have also host a number of peripatetic teachers including one for chello, recorders, fencing and also gymnastics who have been working with children during the school day to enhance their skills and interests.


Our enrichment provision is varied, and works well for our school community, but our needs and interests are ever-changing so, as previously stated,  we are always open to new suggestions and are keen to  make new contacts in order to support the development of our school and our community.


Enrichment Clubs offered - Spring 2020

Trust Link

St John's CE Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
