Theologically Rooted Christian Vision
Our school aims to serve its community by providing a broad, balanced and aspirational education within the context of Christian belief and practice. St John’s encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all in its community.
‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly’ John10.10b (NRSV– Bible)
Our Vision
An aspirational and supportive church school community, working together to wonder, trust and achieve. Striving to recognise life’s rich opportunities, while developing talented lifelong learners, through respect, empathy, hope, trust and wonder.
We, at St John’s, as a Church of England School, aim to provide a happy, secure environment which reflects the principles of the Christian faith, thus helping to develop children’s spiritual growth and moral understanding.
By so doing we aim to:
- Develop children’s self-esteem and self-worth
- Develop each child’s academic potential
- Develop in each child curiosity and an enthusiasm to learn
We believe in the strength of good home/school partnerships and are aware of the need to be sensitive to our community with its rich cultural diversity.
As mentioned, we follow the Christian message,
‘….I came that they may have life and have it abundantly...’ John 10.10b
Through this we seek to value the individual. Knowing that everyone in our community really does matter, nurturing strengths and talents and supporting in times of need, but always recognising the life we have been given and the opportunities we have to live in a full and abundant way.
St John's is a multi-cultural, multi-faith, Church of England Primary School in the midst of a richly diverse community. We have a strong school ethos where 'Everyone Matters', and the unique integral placement of our church at the heart of our school allows wonderful opportunities for collective worship where we celebrate our rich cultural heritage and explore the fullness of our gifts and talents as a school family.
Allied to this are our fantastic children who are whole-heartedly committed to St John’s. They are proud of their school and of their learning and achievements they make. As such they are committed to education and want to improve their learning and to live life in abundance. They are the greatest asset and achievement of St John’s and integral to all that happens at our school.