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St John's CE Primary School


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The Meadow - Nurture Classroom

The Meadow is our Nurture class / SEND facility.


It was created to support the needs of a small number of children with significant learning needs. The Meadow offers a high adult to child ratio where children who find the busy mainstream classroom too overwhelming, can learn in a more peaceful and calmer environment.


Many of the children who use the Meadow are awaiting places in specialist schools and so this class has been created to mirror the type of provision they would have in specialist settings as best we can in a mainstream school. The children who use the Meadow have EHCPs, or are awaiting EHCPs (Education, Health Care Plans).


At St. John's, we recognise that all children are unique; that they develop and learn in their own ways, and at their own pace. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community and strive to deliver a curriculum that enables all children to flourish.


'..Where pupils with SEND need extra support, this is planned and targeted to promote success. For
those pupils who require a bespoke and personalised approach, leaders have worked
with experts to develop a specialist nurture class to meet their needs...' OFSTED 2022

Our Curriculum Offer for our Meadow Provision

Trust Link

St John's CE Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
