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St John's CE Primary School


Get in touch

Contact Details

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the After School Club or Early Birds?


Early Birds club from 8.00 – start of school day.  Breakfast served until 8.20 a.m.

After School Club - Starts at 3.10 p.m. until 5.30 p.m.


Session Fees 

From 1st September 2019, fees for each session of the After School Club is £8.00.  Fees for Early Birds Club are  £3.00 per child.  A basic breakfast is included in this fee.


Please ask at the school office for an application form, but please be aware there is often a waiting list. 

What is the PTFA?

Every parent with a child or children at our school automatically becomes a member of the PTFA.  The PTFA aim to support the teachers and staff in their role to provide a stimulating environment and to enhance the children’s learning experience by fundraising and organising fundraising events.  The money that has been raised helps to pay for extra school equipment and activities that the school’s own budget would not necessarily be able to afford.  The PTFA is a great way to meet new people and to help play a part in your child’s schooling experience.  If you would like to help or to find more information, please contact the school office, who will put you in touch with someone from the PTFA.


Trust Link

St John's CE Primary School is a member of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
